Friday, 9 October 2015

Test Cases for the below Field Browse Upload

Test Cases for the below Field Browse Upload

There is one more case which is an imp one.
1. Instead of using browse button, check whether the
text box is editable and user can directly write the
entire path of the file and the on click of Upload button
the file should get Uploaded.
2. Negative case for the above scenario is, write a wrong
path or a path where no such file exits and click
Upload. Here the system should give a message saying wrong
path or no such file found.
3. Check if the Upload functionality is only for
authorized user, if mentioned in the specification.
4. On successful Upload, display a message the file Upload
5.When Upload is in process the Upload and browse button
should be disabled, just to avoid clicking of those buttons
when activity is in process.
6.Check if error handling is done , if the Upload takes
time then there should not be any error saying time out.
7. Also check in what time the file should be Uploaded for
the Max size.
8.If Upload is done to store a file on some server folder
i.e. server location, check same file with same file name
should not be Uploaded in the same location, or if its a
database then duplicate records should not be Uploaded in

the same tables.

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