Showing posts with label Test Cases Examples. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Test Cases Examples. Show all posts

Sunday, 30 July 2017

Test case for Whatsapp

Test case for Whatsapp

  • Verify that on downloading Whatsapp application, a user can register using a new mobile number.
  • Verify that for a new mobile number user will get a verification code on his mobile and filling the same verifies the new user account.
  • Check the maximum number of incorrect attempts allowed while filling the verification code.
  • Verify that registering an existing mobile number for new user account registration is not allowed.
  • Verify that on successful registration all the contacts in user's contact directory get imported to WhatsApp contact list.
  • Verify that user can set DP and status on Whatsapp.
  • Verify that user can update existing DP and Whatsapp status.
  • Verify that user can send a message to any individual selected from his contact list.
  • Verify that 'Chats' window contains all the chat list with DP and name and last message preview of the other person with whom chat was initiated.
  • Verify that clicking a chat in the chat list opens a new window containing all the chats received and sent with the other person.
  • Verify that user can check the message delivered and read time for a message in the 'Message Info' section.
  • Verify that user can share or receive a contact with the other person.
  • Verify that user can create a group adding multiple people from his contact list.
  • Verify that user can send and receive a message in group chats.
  • Verify that user can send and receive images, audio, video, emoticons in chat to individuals.
  • Verify that user can send and receive images, audio, video, emoticons in group chats.
  • Verify that user can send and receive chats in secondary languages available.
  • Verify that user can delete text, images, audio, video messages within a chat.
  • Verify that user can clear complete chat history in an individual or group chat.
  • Verify that user can archive chats in an individual or group chat.
  • Verify that user can block a user to prevent any message from getting received from the blocked contact.
  • Verify that user makes Whatsapp calls to the person in his contact list.
  • Verify that user can receive Whatsapp calls from a person in his contact list.
  • Verify that user can mark chats as favorite and access all chats marked as the favorite from the 'Favorites' section.

Chat settings test scenario

  • Verify that user can set a chat wallpaper.
  • Verify that user set privacy settings like turning on/off last seen, online status, read receipts etc.
  • Verify that user can update notification settings like - notification sound, on/off, show preview for both group and individual chats.
  • Verify that user can take the complete chat backup of his chats.
  • Verify that user updates his phone number that is used by WhatsApp application.
  • Verify that user can disable/delete his WhatsApp account.
  • Verify that user can check data usage by images, audio, video, and documents in WhatsApp chats.

Test Case for Video Uploading and Viewing

Test Case for Video Uploader Functionality

  • Verify that user can upload single video or allowed format and size successfully.
  • Verify that while uploading user should select the video license and type of video along with its attributes like- name, artist name, company etc.
  • Verify the maximum size of the video that is permitted to upload and check that any attempt to upload the video of size greater than the allowed value results in an error message.
  • Verify if there is any minimum size of the video that is permitted to upload and any attempt to upload file size less than specified results in error message.
  • Verify all the video formats that are allowed to upload - .mp4, .3gp, .avi etc and check that uploading file formats other that allowed results in error message.
  • Verify that uploading blank file should result in error message.
  • Verify that user can upload multiple videos or allowed format and size successfully.
  • Verify that uploaders get notification of comments posted on the videos uploaded by them.
  • Verify that user can view likes, dislikes, and comments for their videos.
  • Verify that user can reply to the comments posted in their videos.

Test case for Video Viewing Functionality

  • Verify that video page can be opened by a direct link to a video.
  • Verify that on clicking the video play icon over the video, the video should play.
  • Verify all the video player controls- play, pause, volume, mute etc.
  • Verify that user can select the allowed video quality for playing the video.
  • Verify that once the video is complete, the user can replay the video using 'replay' icon.
  • Verify that video should be searchable by name, displaying the most relevant video on the top in search results.
  • Verify that other attributes of video like artist name, a description should also be searchable.
  • Verify that user should get auto suggestions while searching for videos in the youtube search bar.
  • Verify that search results should display information like video name, thumbnail, video length, view counts etc.
  • Verify that clicking the video thumbnails in the search results should lead to the video page.
  • Verify that video filtering and sorting option while searching for video like - sort be view count, like, upload date etc.
  • Verify that user can view 'view count', 'comments', 'like' and 'dislikes' for a video.
  • Verify that with each view the 'view count' increases by one.
  • Verify that user can like or dislike a video and the corresponding count should increase by one.
  • Verify that user can comment in the comments section.
  • Verify that user should be presented with related videos in the sidebar section.
  • Verify that the related videos are related to the current video or is based on the past viewing history of the user.
  • Verify that clicking related video thumbnail should open the video.
  • Verify that for age restricted video, a user is asked to login to the youtube account.
  • Verify that logged-in user should see their history as well as recommended videos in the home page.
  • Verify that every video viewed goes to history for logged in user.
  • Verify that user can view or delete history items.

Friday, 9 October 2015

To test Notepad Application

To test Notepad Application : 

Functional Test Cases :
1) new page should be blank and cursor on beginning of first line.
2) the application allows typing
3) the application allows saving
4) the application allows opening a saved instance
5) validate menus and submenus
6) type of data that can be saved (numeric, alphanumeric, special chars)
7) editing the saved data(changing the font size, type, deleting, adding) and saving the changes.
8) saving a blank file.
9) validate file name : renaming file/keeping the default name/duplicate file name/spcl chars in file name

Non-functional Test Cases :
1) do performance testing by opening, say, 100 instances of notepad (possibly by using an automated tool) and determining the response time.
2) check max length of data.

Test Case For Keyboard:

Test Case For Keyboard:

1.Check the company of the keyboard.
2.Check the color of the keyboard.
3.Check the type of the keyboard ps/2 or usb.
4.Check the number of keys on the keyboard.
5.Check whether it is multimedia keyboard or not.
6.Check whether the drivers of the keyboard are properly installed or not.
7.Check the wire is properly plugged in or not.
8.Check the functionality of all alphabet keys.
9.Check the functionality of the function keys.
10.Check the functionality of the navigation keys.
11.Check the number lock key.
12.Check the caps lock keys functionality.

13.Check the shift keys functionality.

Test Cases For Flight Reservation

Test Cases For Flight Reservation:

  1. To check whether the page is possible to login without providing user any details
  2. To check and try to login the page with three characterstics user name .
  3. To check and login the page with valid username
  4. To check and login the page with valid username and invalid password
  5. To check and login the page with valid username and valid password
  6. To check whether the password is encrypted form while entering the same
  7. To  check whether the application is accepting the date in DD/MM/YY format
  8. To check whether the application is accepting the date in MM/DD/YY format
  9. To check the date by entering the same in MM/DD/YY but execute the test by providing the single digit value for date and month E.g.6/7/13
  10. To check whether the drop down list box are listings the name of the boarding places
  11. To check whether the drop down list box are lisitng the name of the destination places to select the place.
  12. To check the application whether it is showing the availability of the flights with date and timings of the departure
  13. To check whether the cursor is moving to the name of the passenger field for entering the passenger name who is going to travel
  14. To check the application is allowed to selecting the class of travel by clicking the available options like first, second and business class
  15. To check whether the application is showing the details of the passenger order once it  has been placed

Test Cases for forget password :

Test Cases for forget password : 

1. Check whether when we click the forgot password link it must directs to forgot password link page
2.Check whether it must ask the email to send the forgot password link
3.Check whether what the user give his email the forgot password link should display in their email
4.Check whether when we sign in to our account it must send a forgot password link
5.Check whether when we click the link it must open a new link page
6.Check whether it must ask the user to enter new password
7.Check whether the entred new password and re-type password must be the same
8.Check whether when we login wiht new password it must sign in to our account

Test case on compose box in mail

Test case on compose box in mail

Functional Tests

Checkout whether
On clicking Compose mail, takes you to "Compose mail page"
Check whether it has
a) To, Cc, Bcc to enter email address.
b) Subject, to enter the subject of the mail
c) Text body, space to enter the text.
Check whether
a) In To, Cc, Bcc, you can delete, edit, cut, copy, paste text.
b) Subject, you can delete, edit, cut, copy, paste text.
c) Text body, you can delete, edit, cut, copy, paste text and format text.
Check whether you can attach a file
Check whether you can send, save or discard the mail
System Tests (Load Tests)
a) The number of email addresses that can be entered in To, Cc, and Bcc
b) The maximum length of the subject
c) The maxim no of words that can be entered in the text space
d) The maximum size of the file that can be attached
e) The max no of files that can be attached.

Performance Testing:If sending mail, receiving mail etc are considered, then we could test the performance of the email server as:
1) Like if one user is connected, what is the time taken to receive a single mail.
2) If 1000s of users are connected, what is the time taken to receive the same mail.
3) If 1000s of users are connected, what is the time taken to receive a huge attachment file.

Usability Testing:
1) In Usability testing, we can check that, if a part of the email address is entered, the matching email addresses are displayed
2) If the mail is tried to send without the subject or “body of the text”, a warning is displayed.
3) If the To, Cc, Bcc contain an address, without @, it should immediately display a warning that the mail id is invalid.
4) Composing mails should be automatically stored as drafts.

Test case for Chair

Test case for Chair
  1. Verify that the chair is stable enough to take an average human load
  2. Check the material used in making the chair-wood, plastic etc
  3. Check if the chair's leg are level to the floor
  4. Check the usability of the chair as an office chair, normal household chair
  5. Check if there is back support in the chair
  6. Check if there is support for hands in the chair
  7. Verify the paint's type and color
  8. Verify if the chair's material is brittle or not
  9. Check if cushion is provided with chair or not
  10. Check the condition when washed with water or effect of water on chair
  11. Verify that the dimension of chair is as per the specifications
  12. Verify that the weight of the chair is as per the specifications
  13. Check the height of the chair's seat from floor

Test Case For copy and paste in MS word

Test Case For copy and paste in MS word

For negative testing of copy n paste we check for all other commands
of the package, like-

* Pressing copy on selected content - it should not bold / italic etc.

* on pressing highlighted content should not cut.

For positive testing of copy we can design test cases like –

1) It should be de highlited if no content is selected.
2) Copy icon and command should be highlighted just after selecting any content.
3) Without any selection when we press hot key “ctrl+c” it should display
4) It should copy again n again to different selections and store it on the
5) It should copy content with their formats.

For Paste-

1) paste icon and command should be de highlighted at beginning.
2) It should highlighted just after copy something.
3) It should paste same content with their styles when we use hot key/ command/
4) It should paste n time, same content(last copied content).
5) It should paste copied content from clipboard as per our selection from


Test Case for Wi-Fi Enabled devices

Test Case for Wi-Fi Enabled devices

1. Check if the Wi-Fi device is on or not.
2. Internet wire is connected to device.
3. Internet connectivity notifications are coming on device.
4. Check on laptop that you Wi-Fi is enable on laptop.
5. Test if the Wi-Fi is connected to this Wi-Fi device.
6. Test if the Wi-Fi drivers are installed properly on laptop.
7. Test if the Wi-Fi connectivity is coming.
8. Test if the Wi-Fi get off when application is using.
9. Disconnect the Wi-Fi while using application over Wi-Fi.
10. Use internet on multiple application at the same time and check the speed of internet.
11. Use multiple device on same Wi-Fi to test the internet connectivity speed.
12.Test if the user with device is out of range.
13. Test on the edge of Wi-Fi rage.
14. Connect with another Wi-Fi and use the application then move to the range of this testing Wi-Fi and test if laptop get connect with it or not.

Test Case for Petrol Pump

Test Case for Petrol Pump

1.First we have to verify this is petrol pump or diesel pump
2.If it is petrol pump verify the petrol is there or not
3.If petrol is the1er not it must show the some signal
4.After check the meter it should be at zero level or not
5.Then meter is correctly working or not
6.Check the quantity and meter is zeri
7.Check the reset button is working correctly or not

8.Verify the amount display on the screen

Test cases for any credit card

Test cases for any credit card
  1. Test the size of the card
  2. Test the color of the card
  3. Test the thickness
  4. Bank name should be there
  5. Material used for card should not be harmful
  6. Card should not break if thrown from a certain height
  7. Card should not be very flexible
  8. Magnetic strip should be at proper place
  9. Magnetic strip have no effect in different environmental conditions
  10. Card contains the name of the holder
  11. Card contains the expiry date
  12. Card contains account number.if we swipe the card, machine is accepting it

Test Cases for the below Field Browse Upload

Test Cases for the below Field Browse Upload

There is one more case which is an imp one.
1. Instead of using browse button, check whether the
text box is editable and user can directly write the
entire path of the file and the on click of Upload button
the file should get Uploaded.
2. Negative case for the above scenario is, write a wrong
path or a path where no such file exits and click
Upload. Here the system should give a message saying wrong
path or no such file found.
3. Check if the Upload functionality is only for
authorized user, if mentioned in the specification.
4. On successful Upload, display a message the file Upload
5.When Upload is in process the Upload and browse button
should be disabled, just to avoid clicking of those buttons
when activity is in process.
6.Check if error handling is done , if the Upload takes
time then there should not be any error saying time out.
7. Also check in what time the file should be Uploaded for
the Max size.
8.If Upload is done to store a file on some server folder
i.e. server location, check same file with same file name
should not be Uploaded in the same location, or if its a
database then duplicate records should not be Uploaded in

the same tables.

Test case for Coffee Machine

Test case for Coffee Machine

1.Verify the Coffee machine is working properly or not by
switching ON power supply.
2.Verify the Coffee machine when power supply is improper.
3.Verify the machine that all buttons are visible.
4.Verify the indicator light that the machine is turned ON
after switching on power supply.
5.Verify the machine when there is no water.
6.Verify the machine when there is no Coffee powder.
7.Verify the machine when there is no milk.
10.Verify the machine when there is no sugar.
8.Verify the machine operation when it is empty.
9.Verify the machine operation when all the ingredients are
upto the capacity level.
10.Verify the machine operation when water quantity is less
than its limit.
11.Verify the machine operation when milk quantity is less
than its capacity limit.
12.Verify the machine operation when Coffee powder is less
than its capacity limit.
13.Verify the machine operation when sugar available is
less than its capacity limit.
14.Verify the machine operation when there is metal piece
is stuck inside the machine.
15.Verify the machine by pressing the Coffee button and
check it is pouring Coffee with appropriate mixture and
16.Verify the machine by pressing the Tea button and check
it is pouring Tea with appropriate mixture and taste.
17.It should fill the Coffee cup appropriately i,e quantiy.
18.Verify Coffee machine operation with in seconds after
pouring milk,sugar,water etc. It
should display message.
19.Verify all the buttons operation.
20.Verify all the machine operation by pressing the buttons
simultaneously one after the other.
21.Verify the machine operation by pressing two buttons at
a time.
22.Verify the machine operation at the time power
23.Verify the machine operation when all the ingredients
are overloaded.
24.Verify the machine operation when one of the ingredient
is overloaded and others are upto limit.

25.Verify the machine operation when one or some of the parts inside the machine are damaged.

Write a Test Cases on Fan

Write a Test Cases on Fan

Test Cases On Fan are as follows:

1.It should have a hook for hanging in the roof.
2. it should have minimum three blades.
3. If should be moving once the electricity pass into it.
4. Speed of the fan should be controlled by the regulator.
5.It should be stop once the electric switch off.
6. The fan should run with minimum noise.
7. The blades should have proper distance from the ceiling.
8. The fan while in motion, should not vibrate.
9. The color of the fan should be dark.



  • Which features have been tested/ will be tested eventually?
  • How many user scenarios/ use cases have been executed?
  • How many features are stable?
  • Which features need more work?
  • Are sufficient input combinations exercised?
  • Does the app give out correct error messages if the user does not use it the way it was intended to be used?
  • Does the app respond to the various browser specific functions as it should?
  • Does the UI conform to the specifications?
  • Are the features traceable to the requirement spec? Have all of them been covered?
  • Are the user scenarios traceable to the use case document? Have all of them been covered?
  • Can these tests be used as an input to automation?
  • Are the tests good enough? Are they finding defects?
  • Is software ready to ship? Is testing enough?
  • What is the quality of the application?

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Test cases of pen

Test cases of pen are like that:

1. Verify the color of the pen.
2. Check GUI testing means logo of the pen maker.
3. Check Usability testing means grip of the pen.
4. Verify whether the pen is ballpoint pen or ink pen.
5. Check Integration Testing means cap of the pen should easily fit beside the body of the pen.
6. Check pen should be continuously in writing mode.

Some Functional test cases for pen:

1. Check whether it writes on paper or not.
2. Verify whether the ink on the paper is belongs with the similar color as what we see in the refill.

Performance and load test cases for pen:

1. Verify how it performs when writing on wet paper.
2. Verify how it performs when writing on rough paper.
3. Verify how it performs when writing on hand because we occasionally do that
4. Check load test means when pen is pressed very hard against the tough surface then pen refill should not come out of the pen.

Negative test cases about pen:

1. Verify whether ink is available or not.
2. Check if ink is available, than the pen does not write on the paper.
3. Verify by bend the refill at multiple ends and then try to write with it.
4. Verify by dip the pen always in to the water and then write it again.
5. Check whether it write on leaves or not.

Additional test cases for pen:

1. Check usability testing means test by writing on a section of paper, Examine if you can write smoothly. It should not be writing and stopping among (with) breaks.
2. Check capability or reliability testing means Test the writing capacity (the amount of writing that is possible from a single refill) of the pen.
3. Check Robustness testing means Test wherever you can carry the pen in to your shirt and pent pocket using its cap. The cap distension should be solid enough to grip your pocket.
4. Check Compatibility testing means Test by writing on distinct types of surfaces like: rough paper, packing material, glass, leather, cotton, wood, plastic, metals like aluminum or iron, polythene sheet etc.

Test Case for gmail Page

Test Case for gmail Page

1.Testing without entering any username and password
2.Test it only with Username
3.Test it only with password.
4 .User name with wrong password
5. Password with wrong user name
6. Right username and right password
7. Cancel, after entering username and pwd.
8.Enter long username and password that exceeds the set limit of characters.
9.Try copy/paste in the password text box.
10.After successful sign-out, try “Back” option from your browser. Check whether it gets you to the “signed-in” page.

Test cases Bulb

Test cases Bulb

  1. Check the bulb is req shap and size
  2. Check the bulb is fitted and removed from holder
  3. Check the bulb glow req illumunation r not
  4. Check the bulb it should glow when we switch on 
  5. Check the bulb it should off when we switch off
  6. Check the bulb material
  7. Life of the bulb should meet the reqrmt

Test cases Calculator

Test cases Calculator

1 It should have 9 numeric digits.
2 it should give proper output based on the operation.
3 it should not allow characters.
4 it should run from cell or battery not through power supply.
5 it should be small in size.
6 at least it should perform 4 basic operation such as add, sub. Div, mul