Tuesday, 6 October 2015

What are the defect severity and priority

What are the defect severity and priority ?

Priority :- How quickly we need to fix the bug? Or How soon the bug should get fixed?

Severity : - How much the bug is effecting the functionality of the application or how deadly can it be for the application under consideration.


(1) High Priority and Low Severity
If a company logo is not properly displayed on their website.

(2) High Priority and High Severity
Suppose you are doing online shopping and filled payment informations, but after submitting the form, you get a message like "Order has been cancelled." Normally high severity bugs comes with high priority.

(3) Low Priority and High Severity
If we have a typical scenario in which the application get crashed, but that scenario exists rarely.

(4) Low Priority and Low Severity
There is a mistake like "You have registered success" instead of successfully, success is written.Basically general spelling mistake kind of thing which is not expected.

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