Tuesday, 1 December 2015

QTP Interview Q/A Part 2

Q11. What phases are involved in testing an application in QTP?

The Quick Test Professional process consists of the following main phases:

   Analyzing Application: before preparing test cases need to analyze the application to find out the testing needs.
    Preparing Testing Infrastructure: based on testing needs create those resources, resources like, shared repository, function library etc.
    Building Test Cases: create test script containing action to be performed while testing. Add object repository with the test function libraries.
    Enhancing Test: by making use of checkpoints, broadening the scope of test, add logic and condition to test for checking purpose.
    Debugging, Running and analyzing Test: debug the test so that it works without interruption. Run these test and analyze the test result generated by QTP
    Report Defects: lock bug into the bug report and send it to the development team.

Q12. How many types of recording modes in the QTP?

The QTP enable us with three type of recording mode:

    Normal (by Default recording): In this recording mode QTP identify the object irrespective of their location on the screen. It is done by recording object based on application window.
    Analog Recording: it is used when exact mouse movement and action performed by mouse is important. Used in testing the paint application and signature made with the help of mouse.
    Low Level Recording: it helps in identifying those objects which is not recognized by the QTP. It is used when the location of object is changing inside the screen.

Q13. What is object repository?

Object Repository: when QTP learn any object from application it stores those object in the Object Repository with the properties of the object. It is used to identify the object. There are two types of object repository:

    Shared Object Repository: It can be shared between multiple tests but it does not allow making changes in the repository. Mostly used in Keyword Driven methodology. It is saved with .TSR extension.
    Local Object Repository: This type of object repository is linked with only one test. In this we can perform change in the repository, like changing the properties of the object, adding object in the repository. It is saved with .MTR extension.

Q14. Explain step generator in QTP?

Step Generator in QTP helps in creating those steps which is performed over the object while testing. Use of Step Generator in QTP:

    Help in debugging the script by making use of Break.
    To add those step which we forget to perform while recording.
    To ensure that objects exist in the repository
    To add up step in the function library.

Q15. Explain the use of Action Split in QTP?

Action Split: it is used to split the action into two parts. There are two type of split an action:

    Splitting into two sibling action: both split actions are independent of each other.
    Splitting into Parent-Child nested action: in this second split action is only called after the execution of the parent split action. Child split action depends upon the parent split action.

QTP generated the duplicate copy of the object repository when we perform Split action. We can add object to anyone spilt action which is not added into another split action’s repository.

Q16. What is the purpose of loading QTP Add-Ins?

Add-Ins: are small programs or files which can be added to computer in order to enhance the capabilities of the system. The purposes of loading Add-Ins into QTP are following:

    To increase capabilities of the system.
    To improve the graphics quality, communications interface.
    To load the particular function into the memory.
    To excess only those functions that is required for the execution of the script.

Q17. What is a data driven test in QTP?

Data Driven is an automation testing part in which test input or output values, these values are read from data files. It is performed when the values are changing by the time. The different data files may include data pools. The data is then loaded into variables in recorded or manually coded scripts. In QTP to perform the data to drive the test, we use the parameterization process. When we do data-driven test, we perform two extra steps:

    Converting the test to a data-driven test.
    Creating a corresponding data table.

Q18. How to use Parameterization in QTP?

It is the process of making use of different values in place of recorded values which is replaced by variable which contains different values that can be used during the execution of the scripts. QTP enable us with different type of Parameterization, passing of data:

    Using Loop statement.
    Dynamically test data submission
    Using data table.
    Fetching data from external files.
    Fetching data from databases.
    By taking test data front end(GUI)

Q19. Is it possible to call from one action to another action in QTP?

Yes, QTP enable us to call from one action to another action. There are two ways of calling action:

    Call to Copy of action: in this we generate the copy of action in our repository which enables us to perform change to the copy of action.
    Call to Existing action: we call to action which is made up earlier. This generates the reference to the action. We can access the action in read only mode. In this no copy of existing script and data table is made.

Q20. Explain different types of action in QTP?

When generating the test script, it includes only one action. Action contains the number of steps to be performed on application to test the application. There are three type of action in QTP:

    Non-Reusable action: it can be called by test only once in which it is stored.
    Reusable action: it can be called by test multiple times in which it is stored.
    External action: it is reusable action but stored in external test. We can call external action but it will be available in read only mode we cannot perform any change to the External Action.

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